Home+ Home Health

Home Health

Home Health caregivers work to promote health, prevent disease, care for the sick and rehabilitate the recovering. The program works best as a partnership between the patient, family and health care staff. Our Home+ team coordinates with physicians to implement individualized treatment plans for every patient. If you or someone you know has limited ability to leave home for medical care, it may be a good time to consider home health care.

Our Services:

  • Skilled nursing services: IV therapy, surgery follow-up including wound care assessments, monitoring cancer, diabetes, heart and lung disease and other chronic illnesses
  • Assistance with personal care
  • Palliative care
  • Physical, occupational and speech therapy
  • Psychiatric nursing care
  • Medical social work services
  • Case management for chronic health problems
  • Assessment, monitoring for high-risk pregnancy
  • Postpartum mother and baby assessments
  • Advanced directive and living will planning
  • Collaborative services with the Veterans Health Administration
  • Private-pay care

Examples of people who benefit from Home Care are:

  • Those who have recently had surgery
  • People with chronic illnesses who need medical monitoring
  • Children needing skilled health monitoring or education
  • Patients who receive IV therapy or injections
  • People who need assistance with medication management
  • People who need assistance managing pain and those who experience shortness of breath or other distressing symptoms
  • Individuals who are in need of strengthening or need improvement in their ability to perform everyday tasks

Contact Us

Home Health caregivers are available 24/7 to answer your questions.

Rapid City