Services Pulmonology


Our respiratory system is one of our most valuable assets. Monument Health’s comprehensive pulmonology center offers the latest technology in diagnosing, treating and providing education for patients who need pulmonology care related to asthma, interstitial lung diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and many more. Our pulmonology team includes board-certified physicians, respiratory therapists, skilled nurses and a diagnostic team.

Our pulmonary rehabilitation gym combines exercise training with nutrition consultations and other tactics to treat your underlying conditions. When necessary, Monument Health Home+ Medical Equipment has a range of devices that can help patients breathe better.

Health Risk Assessment

The key to preventing lung cancer is knowing your risk. Are you ready to understand your current level of risk of lung cancer?

What is Ion?
Ion is used to perform robotic-assisted bronchoscopy. This system can reach all 18 segments of the lungs and be placed to obtain a biopsy. Ion is made by Intuitive, the pioneer in robotic-assisted surgery with da Vinci systems. It features:
The ultra-thin catheter and integrated vision probe provide the physician direct vision to reach all parts of the lungs.
The shape-sensing technology provides precise location and shape information throughout the whole biopsy process. The system holds the catheter in place for precise placement for biopsy tools.3
The catheter can move 180° in all directions and the Flexision™ biopsy needle, a flexible biopsy needle compatible with Ion, help enable biopsy.

What is a lung biopsy?
If your physician found a spot on your lung, commonly called a small mass or nodule, he or she may recommend you have it checked out further. This test is called a lung biopsy. Fewer than 5% of nodules are actually cancer, but your doctor may recommend you find out for sure.
Biopsy involves obtaining a tissue sample from the suspicious area and examining the cells under a microscope to determine if cancer or another disease is present. There are a number of ways to obtain tissue for biopsy. The biopsy approach your doctor will recommend depends on the size of the nodule, the location within the lung, and your overall health.

You might seek care from a pulmonologist for the following conditions:

  • Asthma – A condition that generally presents as wheezing, difficulty breathing and coughing.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – This describes a variety of conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The lung tissue becomes damaged and inflamed, obstructing air flow.
  • Interstitial lung disease – Conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid lung disease and sarcoidosis can cause serious problems for patients.
  • Occupational lung disease – A variety of illnesses that results from long-term workplace exposure to irritants and toxic chemicals. Asbestosis, black lung, brown lung, farmer’s lung and hypersensitivity pneumonitis are some of them.

At Monument Health we offer comprehensive pulmonary function testing, including:

  • Spirometry – our most basic and common test – measures how much air you breathe in and out of your lungs, and how quickly you breathe out.
  • Lung volume testing measures the volume of air in the lungs, and how much air remains at the end of a normal breath. We use both the nitrogen washout test, where you breathe into a mouthpiece, and the lung plethysmography test. Lung plethysmography tests are performed in a small, airtight room at Monument Health Rapid City Hospital.
  • Diffusing or diffusion capacity tests measure how easily oxygen enters the bloodstream.
  • Our 6-minute walk test helps evaluate causes of shortness of breath.
  • A methacholine challenge test (also known as a bronchoprovocation test) may be used to establish an asthma diagnosis. This test demonstrates whether your airway and lungs become smaller in response to the environment.

Monument Health’s pulmonary rehabilitation program is an outpatient program that combines education, exercise and peer support. It is recommended for patients who frequently experience shortness of breath and cannot perform daily activities despite the use of medication.

Exercising your lungs and muscles helps you become more active, so you can do more of the things you enjoy. It might even decrease the need for hospital visits.

The pulmonary rehabilitation program is managed by respiratory therapists with oversight from board-certified pulmonologists. Your care team includes doctors, nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, exercise specialists and dietitians. Together, they create a personal program to meet your specific needs.

Some aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation can even be done in your home. Please speak with your care team to learn more.

Doctors & Providers

Contact Us

Monument Health Rapid City Clinic, Flormann Street 640 Flormann Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital 353 Fairmont Boulevard, Rapid City, SD 57701
Monument Health Spearfish Hospital 1440 North Main Street, Spearfish, SD 57783

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