Services Critical Care

Also known as ICU

Critical Care Unit

Monument Health’s Critical Care Unit (CCU), also known as the Intensive Care Unit, treats patients with critical medical needs and those who have recently experienced a major surgery or trauma. The goal of critical care is to help you recover and return to a previous or improved state of health. The CCU is equipped with specialized medical equipment and bedside monitoring. Often, nurses will care for just one or two patients at a time.

Our doctors have completed advanced training in critical care medicine. Our CCU nurses have experience and training in caring for critically ill and injured patients. They work with therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and others to ensure patients’ needs are met in terms of treatment, care and comfort. They also provide invaluable support to loved ones.

As you get better, you may be transferred to another room with a reduced level of treatment. In this case, your new caregivers will work closely with your CCU providers to ensure a seamless transition. Additionally, your new care team will always have access to a written plan that includes:

  • A summary of your care and treatment while you were in the CCU
  • A monitoring plan to make sure you continue to recover
  • A plan for ongoing treatment
  • Details of your physical and psychological rehabilitation needs

Doctors & Providers

Contact Us

If you have any questions about your time in the intensive care unit, do not hesitate to ask your doctors or caregivers.

Monument Health Rapid City Hospital 353 Fairmont Boulevard, Rapid City, SD 57701