Published on February 21, 2024


Ongoing tiredness that reduces energy, being able to do things and being able to focus.


Ongoing tiredness that reduces energy, being able to do things and being able to focus.


For self-care, get good rest. Find ways to reduce stress, eat a healthy diet and drink lots of fluids.

When to seek immediate medical care

See a healthcare professional right away if:

  • Bleeding that isn't usual, including bleeding from the rectum or vomiting blood.
  • Severe headache, stomach, pelvic, chest or back pain.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat.

When to make a doctor's appointment

Make an appointment to see a healthcare professional if:

  • Lasts for two or more weeks and rest, eating well and reducing stress don't help.
  • Weight loss.
  • Sadness.
  • Loss of interest in daily activities.