RAPID CITY, S.D. (June 2, 2023) – Annually Monument Health Dermatologists provide free skin cancer screenings to raise awareness for skin cancer during the month of May. This year Monument Health Dermatologists in Rapid City and Spearfish provided 195 patients with free skin checks. During the events 15 biopsies for potential cancers were recommended.
“Providing skin checks to the community is an important way to promote early detection and awareness about skin cancer,” said Christopher Gasbarre, D.O., Dermatologist at Monument Health Dermatology in Spearfish. “Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than 5 million cases are diagnosed each year with melanoma being the most serious kind of skin cancer.”
Doctors recommend you perform consistent skin checks to look for changes in your skin — like irregularly shaped moles or lesions, or areas that don’t heal. Early detection of skin cancer gives you the greatest chance for successful skin cancer treatment.
“We know that skin cancer is preventable — in fact it is one of the most preventable forms of cancer,” said Siri Knutsen-Larson, M.D., Dermatologist at Monument Health Dermatology in Rapid City. “As we head into the summer months, it’s important to remember the key to prevention is proactive methods like wearing long sleeves, broad brimmed hats and sunscreen that provides broad spectrum protection.”
To learn more about Monument Health Dermatology or to schedule an appointment go to www.monument.health/dermatology.
About Monument Health
Headquartered in Rapid City, S.D., Monument Health is a community-based health care system with a mission to make a difference, every day. The system offers care in 31 medical specialties and serves 14 communities across western South Dakota and in eastern Wyoming. With over 5,000 physicians and caregivers, Monument Health is composed of 5 hospitals and 38 medical clinics and specialty centers. Monument Health is a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network.