COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

A safe and effective vaccine is a vital step toward ending the COVID-19 pandemic. Monument Health has stepped forward to help our employees, patients and community members access the vaccine, and to be by their side to monitor any side effects or adverse reactions.

Monument Health and the South Dakota Department of Health have closely monitored the development of the COVID-19 vaccines:

  • The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous testing utilizes independent checks to ensure safe vaccine development.
  • FDA senior scientists make the final approval before a vaccine is released for use.
  • Early data on the vaccines is very promising, showing effectiveness levels as high as 95%, and only mild and temporary side effects like headache, fatigue and mild fever, all common signs that show a vaccine is working to help build immunity.

Vaccine recipients can feel confident in Monument Health’s support:

  • We will only administer the vaccine to groups of people for whom the vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective.
  • You will be provided the information and education you need to make an informed decision about vaccination.
  • We will schedule your vaccination appointment and ensure that masking, social distancing and hand hygiene are in place.
  • Your vaccine will be supervised by a licensed health care professional who has been fully trained to administer the vaccine.
  • After you receive your vaccination, you will be monitored for at least 30 minutes by a licensed health care professional.
  • We will schedule the next dose in your vaccination series, if applicable, to ensure that you are as protected as possible.

If you should have an adverse reaction or a health problem that occurs after your vaccination, take these steps:

  1. In a true emergency, dial 911.
  2. Contact your clinic or primary care provider, either by phone or by sending a message through MyChart. Your primary care provider has the best understanding of your health history.

The public is encouraged to report adverse reactions to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.